If your home or space does not have ductwork, it’s still possible to achieve comfort and peace of mind with ductless systems. These systems are energy-efficient and do not require ducts. Instead, they use a pair of indoor and outdoor units to heat and cool your living space.

The two units, one mounted on the wall inside the house and the other installed outside, work together to create the desired temperature. Ductless systems are commonly used in situations where there are no existing ducts or in places where baseboard heating or window A/C units are typically used. They are also suitable for additions to existing buildings.

Benefits of Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance service of HVAC systems can help to ensure that your system operates efficiently, safely and effectively, while also reducing the likelihood of unexpected repairs and improving indoor air quality. Maintenance can help with:

  • Improved energy efficiency, which can lead to lower utility bills
  • Longer lifespan of the HVAC system
  • Improved indoor air quality
  • Fewer breakdowns and costly repairs
  • Enhanced comfort and more consistent temperatures
  • Improved safety, including identifying and addressing potential gas or carbon monoxide leaks
  • Compliance with manufacturer warranty requirements
  • Prevention of unexpected and inconvenient breakdowns, especially during extreme weather conditions

Contact us today to book your repair, service, or installation. We are ready to help with all your HVAC needs.